Feb 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Bulletin 2021-2022 Archived Bulletin

Student Life and Campus Resources

Learning Commons

The Academic Success Center is committed to the enrichment of the Loras community by identifying and providing academic opportunities and support services to students, faculty, and staff.

A variety of student support services and opportunities comprise the Learning Commons. For further program information, go to: Inside Loras/Academics/Academic Supports/The Learning Commons.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program designed to increase student mastery of content in historically-difficult courses, while instilling study skills that are transferable to other courses. SI learning sessions are facilitated by a peer and take place in out-of-class, informal settings.

Academic Coaching

The transition to college may require a change in study strategies, strengthening existing skills, or developing new study skills. In addition to study skills and examination strategies, assistance with mathematics, time management, organizational strategies, and reading comprehension opportunities are available through individual consultations.

Individual Tutoring

The Learning Commons provides individual and/or small group tutoring in a variety of subjects and locations. The tutors are peer academic coaches, and the tutoring is administered in conjunction with various organizations and clubs throughout campus.

Writing Center

Led by the director and staffed by peer tutors, the Writing Center assists students in becoming more independent writers by focusing on the process of writing. Services include helping students with understanding an assignment, revising an initial draft, and editing a final draft. Support is provided for foundational critical thinking, close reading, and writing as well as strategies for advanced writing in the disciplines. In addition to the services provided in the Center, hands-on workshops provide specific writing strategy assistance. For further information, go to the Writing Center site.

The Lynch Learning Center

The Lynch Learning Center (LLC) serves students with diagnosed disabilities, who request support services and have the necessary documentation to receive accommodations. The LLC has three levels of service: Accommodation Services, the ARCH Program and the Enhanced Program. Students interested in either the ARCH Program or the Enhanced Program must apply and be admitted to the College through the regular admission process. Once admitted, students may apply for the ARCH Program or Enhanced Program.

Accommodation Services - Students with disabilities are eligible to receive the accommodations that their documentation supports. The most commonly requested accommodations are alternative testing (extended time and/or distraction-free test locations), note-taking services, and alternative format texts (books on CD or in a format for use with reading software programs). Students must present documentation after they are admitted to the College and meet with an LLC staff member to determine which accommodations they are eligible to receive. The accommodations a student requires may be provided by professors or the LLC. No fee is charged for these services.

Enhanced Program - The Enhanced Program is intended for students who have a primary disability of LD or AD/HD, but students with other diagnoses may be considered. Students interested in the Enhanced Program apply simultaneously to the College (regular application form) and to the Lynch Learning Center (separate application). Applications are reviewed by program staff after acceptance to Loras. Selected students are invited for interviews.

Students selected for the Enhanced Program attend a summer bridge program, and a two-credit class, Learning Strategies, both semesters of their first year. In addition, all students (first-year and upper class) in the Enhanced Program attend a weekly individual meeting (one hour) with a staff member. Student tutors are assigned if needed. Accommodation Services (see above) are also provided if the student’s documentation supports the need. An additional fee is assessed for the Enhanced Program.

ARCH Program-The ARCH Program is designed for students who have a primary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students interested in the ARCH Program apply simultaneously to the College (regular application form) and to the Lynch Learning Center (separate application). Applications are reviewed by program staff after acceptance to Loras. Selected students are invited for interviews.

Students selected for the ARCH Program may attend a summer transition program, academic programming each semester they are enrolled in the program, as well as all components of the Enhanced Program. Students also have the option of a single room, access to a Sensory Room, peer mentors and additional programming specific to students with ASD. An additional fee is assessed for the ARCH Program.

See the Lynch Learning Center’s website for additional information about documentation requirements and the application process.

Student Development

Mission Statement

Loras College Student Development is centered on developing the whole person, one Duhawk at a time.

The Student Development division provides and supports members of the Loras community engaging in meaningful learning experiences. Through this increased engagement, Student Development provides students diverse experiences and opportunities to grow academically, socially, spiritually, and emotionally. As students navigate the College, Student Development assists them in articulating the value of their Loras experience.

Loras College students have the right to live and learn in an environment that ensures their intellectual, personal, and spiritual development. These rights are essential and will be protected against suppression. Reasoned dissent plays a vital role in the College, but freedoms cannot be protected or exercised in a college that lacks order and stability. The Student Handbook, and the Rights and Responsibilities of students incorporated within it, informs the student body that with rights associated with membership in the Loras community come certain responsibilities. The recognition of both rights and responsibilities is part of the Catholic heritage of the College. As stated in the Pope John Paul XXIII’s encyclical Peace on Earth, “Those, therefore, who claim their own rights, yet altogether forget or neglect to carry out their respective duties, are people who build with one hand and destroy with the other.” The Student Handbook in conjunction with the College Bulletin articulates the rights and responsibilities that shape the expectations for the normal activities of the College. It is the intent of the College to ensure that students neither lose their rights nor escape their responsibilities as citizens and members of this academic community.

Spiritual Life at Loras College

Spiritual Life at Loras College is rooted in and inspired by Catholic tradition to help all persons realize their spiritual potential. The process of personal transformation is realized as individuals discover their own unfolding life-calling as students, staff, and faculty whose shared horizon is the world in which we live, among whom God has promised to “do even greater works” than have already been achieved. In classrooms and labs, in personal prayer and communal worship, in the celebration of sacraments, in reflection upon Scripture, in service with others, in artistic expression, athletics, retreats, residence life, and in dialogue with varied cultural and religious traditions represented by persons with diverse human qualities and mutual dignity, we discern and express our own distinctive passions and activate our potential. We help each other become better equipped to advance a more just and loving form of community that anticipates the Kingdom of God announced by Jesus Christ in the Gospel.

Spiritual Life

We serve the entire Loras Community by providing:

  • opportunities for participation in liturgy and prayer (Liturgy Committee, liturgical ministries, praise & worship, meditation etc.)
  • reception of the sacraments (RCIA, Catholic Confirmation)
  • spiritual and leadership development through retreats, spiritual direction, faith-sharing, Bible study, discernment, guest speakers, and peace and justice discussion and action
  • service to the local community and the world (service and social justice experience trips)
  • Catholic Social Teaching and the social message of the Gospels which challenge us to transform the world (peace and justice community, service and social justice experience trip preparation and reflection, student organizations, etc.)
  • interfaith and ecumenical opportunities (worship, discussions, sacred space tours, conferences, and shared service)
  • themed-housing community: Fr. Ray Herman Peace & Justice House

Service, Justice and Peace Opportunities

Taking to heart the statement by Pope Paul VI, “If you want peace, work for justice,” Spiritual Life offers programs on social justice awareness, nonviolence and peace. Service and social justice experience trips to other parts of the nation and volunteer service in Dubuque provide students opportunities to “work for justice.” All student trip participants are introduced to the basic themes of Catholic Social Teaching as part of their trip preparation.

The Father Ray Herman Peace and Justice Center is located in Gallagher Spiritual Life (460 Alumni Campus Center). The goal of the Center is to help and encourage students, faculty and staff at Loras to become more aware, better educated, and actively involved in the social issues of the world. The mission of this endowed Center is to:

  • develop and expand awareness of the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church
  • call attention to injustice in society and to encourage changing unjust systems in order to develop oppressed people
  • seek ways of action to promote peace and justice in our personal lives and on a global scale

Some of the key issues that the Center addresses are racism, poverty, women’s and men’s issues, war and peace, nuclear armaments, militarism, global economy and fair trade, conscientious objection to war, capital punishment, the farm crisis, the environment, and other life issues. The Center offers a summer Peace Institute for high school-aged students, with current Loras students as counselors. This camp-like Institute works with young adults to promote peace in self, in community, in creation, and in the world using concepts such as interreligious literacy, leadership development and relationship building and repairing through activities and programming.

Student Life Office

The Student Life office encourages students to complement their classroom learning by connecting what is learned in class with out-of-class experiences by offering programming, leadership and involvement opportunities. These experiences assist students in developing a sense of belonging, acquiring skills and knowledge, and in developing informed attitudes. Through all-campus programming, leadership development experiences and many co-curricular involvement opportunities, the Student Life office strives to complement students’ academic development at Loras College with involvement and learning opportunities outside of the classroom. A complete list of services and opportunities is available from the Student Life office.

College Activities Board

The College Activities Board (CAB) is the primary programming organization on campus. CAB is dedicated to providing students with ample free entertainment options throughout the year. CAB sponsors approximately 60 programs annually, and has sponsored such events as Eli Young Band, Goo Goo Dolls and Second City Comedy.

Student Organizations

Loras offers approximately 60 different organizations for students to get involved in during their college career. Numerous clubs and student organizations concerned with academic interests, hobbies, sports, career professions and various special interests exist on the Loras campus and are open to any student who is interested. In addition, Loras has a nationally-affiliated social sorority on campus for female students interested in Greek Life. A complete listing of Loras clubs and organizations may be found in the Student Life office.

Dining Services

Students living in traditional residence halls are required to purchase the Dewey’s Daily Meal Plan or Dewey’s Dining Plan. Students living in alternative housing have the Loras Meal Plan included, but can choose a higher meal plan if desired. Change, discontinuance or exemption from the meal plan may be made at the time of registration and no later than seven (7) days after the first day of class at the beginning of each semester. To request a change, discontinuance or exemption from the meal plan, the students must complete the appropriate form within the student’s Residence account found at https://loras-residence.symplicity.com/

Counseling Center

The Loras College Counseling Center is staffed by two licenses mental health counselors. We provide services for students who are struggling emotionally to the point where it may interfere with their ability to succeed socially and academically. We work closely with many other campus and community services. If we assess a need for an evaluation by another professional, assistance will be provided in making a referral. The Counseling Center staff members are obligated to follow the state laws of confidentiality and need releases signed by the student to communicate with others. Counseling Services are free to students.

Health Center

474 Alumni Campus Center, (563) 588-7142; Fax (563) 588-7659
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and 1:00-4:00 p.m.


While college students are generally a healthy population, there may be times when illness or injury interferes with campus life. The Loras College Health Center, staffed by professional registered nurses, provides a range of health services to the campus community. The nurses will assess, offer treatment, provide over-the counter medication and/or a referral to another healthcare provider if needed. We also provide health education, wellness promotion and self-care opportunities. Most services are available at no charge to students registered at Loras College. We work closely with many other campus and community services.

Air Conditioners

Students requiring an air conditioner must submit an Air Conditioner Request Form that has been completed, signed and stamped by their physician to the Health Center. This documentation must be submitted each academic year. Approval of an air conditioner in the past does not guarantee the continued use of an air conditioner. Due to safety restrictions and electrical load limitations, a limited amount of air conditioners will be approved based on physician documentation of medical necessity.


All patient records maintained by the Health Center are private. Only authorized Health Center personnel may release patient records, and then only with written authorization from the patient. Parents of patients eighteen years and older, parents or spouses of emancipated minors, and other next of kin will not have access to the medical record without the written consent of the patient.

Elevator Keys

Elevator keys are issued through the Health Center after receiving written documentation from a physician that details the student’s need for access to an elevator due to injury or illness.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is important. Loras does not currently endorse a specific health insurance plan. Students should be knowledgeable of their health insurance information and Dubuque “in network” providers. Students should submit a copy of their current health coverage to the Health Center where the information will be kept on file. In addition, we encourage students to always carry a copy of their insurance card. If a student becomes ill or injured when the Health Center is closed, contact the Area Coordinator or Resident Advisor for assistance.

All international students are required to have health insurance designated by Loras College unless health insurance is provided by your home embassy. The Loras College Health Center will enroll you into the health insurance plan with the plan fee being placed onto your Loras College student account. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Loras College Health Center prior to each semester to be enrolled into the health insurance plan designated by the college or to review your proof of insurance provided by your home embassy.

Health Requirements for Students

Complete and return the Required Health Information Form including a copy of your insurance card and your vaccine record to the Loras College Health Center via mail, fax or email. Your physician’s office, high school or state health department may have a copy of your vaccine record.

Loras College follows the American College Health Association immunization guidelines. All students, first year, transfer, international, and continuing education/graduate students registered for more than 7 credit hours and born after January 1, 1957 must provide proof of immunity to MMR (Rubeola, Mumps and Rubella). These students must provide an official signed and stamped record showing proof of receiving two MMR immunizations on or after their first birthday and at least 30 days apart OR laboratory evidence of immunity (Rubeola and Rubella titers and Mumps IgG immune status).

The Health Center will assist students needing immunizations or laboratory work. Students will be required to pay for the immunizations or laboratory work. Students needing both MMR immunizations must wait 30 days between shots.

All international students must report to the Loras College Health Center within two weeks of arriving to campus for a baseline TB (tuberculosis) screening. International students are required to have a QuantiFERON Gold or T-SPOT TB Test completed in the United States in the past twelve months. The Health Center staff will assist students to schedule testing. If the TB test is not covered by your insurance, the student will be required to pay for the test at the time of service. If a student previously tested positive for TB or has been treated for active TB disease, the student must attach documentation of the test and treatment with his/her health records. Students with positive tests will be referred to a local healthcare provider.

The above requirements must be met before students will be able to register for classes for the next semester. All documentation must be in English. Please note: Student athletes have additional athletic forms.

Although not required, we highly recommend students be immunized for meningitis. Talk to your physician about the benefits of receiving the vaccination. Information on the disease is available on our website.

Medical Withdrawal

When a student is unable to complete a term due to significant medical/psychological issues a medical withdrawal may be considered. Please see the academic calendar and/or your advisor for important withdrawal dates. The student must contact the Health Center and/or Counseling Center and may be required to submit additional documentation from off-campus healthcare providers. The Health Center and/or Counseling Center will collect and review the information provided and make a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Development/Dean of Students.

If a withdrawal is granted, the student will receive a “W” on their transcript for the entire term. A partial withdrawal will not be granted. Loras College reserves the right to decide if a student will be allowed readmission to the college. If the student is readmitted, Loras College may also establish parameters for the return to campus/classes. Prior to returning to campus/classes, the student must contact the Health Center and/or Counseling Center for an assessment and may be required to submit documentation from their healthcare provider.

Missed Class Policy

When a student is absent from class due to illness, injury or hospitalization, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their professor and to follow the requirements of the professor regarding the coursework missed. Penalties for absenteeism depend upon the policy and discretion of the professor as outlined in the course syllabus.

Written documentation from a physician excusing a student from class due to illness, injury or hospitalization is required if a student misses three or more consecutive days. This documentation can be brought or faxed to the Health Center (fax 563-588-7659). The Health Center will relay this information via email to the Vice President for Student Development/Dean of Students, the student’s professors and coaches. The Health Center will only send an email notification when the student is excused from classes for three or more consecutive days.

Professors wishing to verify other cases of student absence due to illness, injury or hospitalization may call the Health Center at 7142. Dates on which the student received care can be verified if permission has been granted by the student; other health information is confidential. In some cases such as mono, a physician may give a student a class excuse with the instruction to attend classes as tolerated. The student is required to contact the Health Center either by stopping in, phone call or email on the days that they are not able to attend class with a condition report.

Transportation to Class or to Healthcare Facilities

Loras College does not provide transportation to class or to healthcare facilities for medical appointments, therapy, pharmacy, etc. Information including bus schedules, taxi cabs, and maps are available by the ACC mailroom.

Center for Inclusion and Advocacy

The Center for Inclusion and Advocacy is a center of multicultural understanding that weaves the Loras College commitment to diversity into the educational, spiritual, academic, cultural, and social fabric of the campus. The office fulfills this mission through leadership in education that celebrates individual differences of people within the Loras and Dubuque community by providing support for the tapestry of ideas and experience to which each person contributes to its overall environment. The office also assists the College in meeting its multicultural needs by providing diversity workshops and consultation to campus constituencies. Working with various departments on campus, the director assists in ensuring that the campus is inclusive of all. The office especially encourages students of diverse backgrounds to participate in its support effort, focused on mentoring and leadership development, to strengthen their overall educational experience.

Residence Life

Committed to the education and development of campus community members, Loras provides housing environments that support and challenge students both intellectually and interpersonally. Students learn valuable life lessons and skills, as well as gain values and principles, from their community living experiences. As a Duhawk, you can expect that Residence Life will provide programs and opportunities for you to grow with purpose at each step of your educational journey. The goal of using a growth-centered community model is to help students learn what it means to build successful, safe communities and relationships with others. In the Catholic tradition, the human person is regarded as both sacred and social (US Bishops, Faithful Citizenship). Society is not an extraneous addition, but a requirement for our human nature. It is through dialogue, exchange with others, and mutual service that individuals develop their potential (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd ed.). The College strives to instill the values of accountability to a community and responsibility for self. Our true focus is to help students learn to be successful citizens, so our approach is learning-centered rather than customer-service oriented.

Loras College identifies itself as a residential campus, one where great care and emphasis are placed on the out-of-classroom experience. Based on our residential identity, all first year, sophomore and junior full-time students, who do not reside with parents, legal guardians, a spouse or children in the City of Dubuque or nearby, are required to live in College-owned housing. Students are not permitted to move off campus after they have taken up residency, unless authorized in writing by the Director of Residence Life. Permission is granted only in extraordinary circumstances.

The residence requirement must be satisfied before the beginning of each semester and prior to a date specified by the Dean of Students. Completion of registration for each semester is subject to submission of the appropriate room reservation form, and the registration of nonexempt students will not be completed unless the residence requirement has been satisfied.

Exceptions to the residence requirement are granted in only extreme circumstances, and must be authorized in writing by the Director of Residence Life. Students may request an exemption from the residency requirement for the following reasons:

  • Extreme medical circumstances. Exemptions for extreme medical reasons must go above and beyond basic illness and ailments. Supporting documentation, including appropriate documentation from attending physician, should be attached. All information is verified through the Health Center (see previous section).
  • Major life change. Exemptions for major life change include serious life changes, such as the addition of a spouse or child, returning from military service, etc. Supporting documentation should be attached.
  • Request to return to commuter status. A request to return to commuter status may be honored for students who are choosing to live WITH parents, a legal (court-appointed) guardian, spouse, or child within the City of Dubuque or within a reasonable distance. If approval is granted, student will be eligible for commuter status at the beginning of the following semester, and is only eligible if living with an approved guardian. Students approved to live off campus with parents, a legal guardian, a spouse, or children, who are found living elsewhere may be billed for on-campus housing costs.

Students who are already residing in college-owned housing that wish to reside off campus should be aware that if their exemption request is granted, they may be subject to a 50% contract buyout charge and/or loss of housing deposit. For more information, please contact the Residence Life Office.

In addition, the registration of students who fail to fulfill the residence requirement without prior written approval from the Director of Residence Life or the registration of nonexempt students who move off campus without prior written approval from the Director of Residence Life will be subject to cancellation or the assessment of the minimum available residence fee.

All first-year students living in the traditional residence halls, including Beckman Hall, Binz Hall, and Rohlman Hall are required to participate in the Dewey’s Daily Meal Plan or Dewey’s Dining Plan. Students living in Smyth Hall, Byrne Oaks Apartments, Lynch-McCarthy Apartments, The Visitation Complex, and college-owned houses (all of which have kitchens) have a Loras Meal Plan included, but can choose a higher meal plan if desired.

On Campus Reservations

After the student has been accepted, the Admission Office will send link to the College’s housing.loras.edu website for an online application and $100 deposit. The application will be dated from the time the form and room deposit are received online. Room assignments will be made on this basis. New students who wish to cancel their room reservation must notify the Director of Admission in writing by May 1 to receive a refund. All room deposits submitted after May 1 are nonrefundable.

Continuing students reserve rooms for the subsequent academic year in the spring of each year. The $100 deposit will be held on account in the Business Office as long as the student resides on campus. Continuing students who wish to cancel their room reservation must notify the Residence Life Office in writing by June 1 to receive a refund. Failure to cancel in writing by this date will result in forfeiture of the $100 deposit. Once a student establishes residence on campus, he or she is bound to the terms of the applicable housing contract or rental agreement. For specific information contract or agreement terms, please refer to your signed copy of the contract or agreement.

The College reserves the right to establish priorities in the assignment of rooms in the residence halls. In case of insufficient campus housing, priority will be given to students required to live on campus.

On Campus Residential Facilities

All students may reside in a traditional residence hall, and traditional residence hall options include: Beckman Hall, Binz Hall, and Rohlman Hall. A limited number of single rooms are available in traditional housing, and all students residing in single rooms are billed at the single room rate. Students with more than 30 credits and a 2.000 or higher GPA may live in Smyth Hall or the Byrne Oaks Apartment Complex. Students with more than 50 credits and a 2.000 GPA may live in Lynch-McCarthy Apartment Complex or several houses owned by the College in addition to the previously mentioned options.

Housing for Married Students or Students With Families

Loras does not provide facilities for married students or students with families. Married students or students with families attending Loras are responsible for securing their own housing and should notify the Registrar of their address before registering for the semester.

Campus Safety

The Campus Safety Office has the responsibility for the custody and protection of buildings, registration of student and faculty motor vehicles, traffic and parking control, fire prevention measures, detection and correction of hazards, key and lock control measures, escort service, and security control for all athletic, academic and social events on campus. Access to Campus Safety services is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week through the Information Desk, located on the 4th floor of the Alumni Campus Center.

The College’s crime statistics and annual fire report, as made available under the Cleary Act, are available at: http://loras.edu/Campus-Life/Health-and-Safety/Campus-Safety.aspx. The College assumes no responsibility for loss of student property in any of the College buildings through fire, theft or any other cause.

Student Union

The leadership of the student body is vested in the Student Union, which is composed of the Student Senate, the Executive Board, and the Judicial Court.

The Student Senate consists of approximately 30 senators elected from among students living off-campus, on-campus, and nontraditional students. This branch of the Student Union essentially creates the legislation of the student government. Each class elects a president, vice president, treasurer and four senators, all of whom act as members of the student senate. Sophomore, junior and senior senators are elected in March/April prior to their year of service, while the first year class officers are elected in October of their year of service.

The Executive Board is made up of the Student Union President, the Student Union Vice-President, the Procedural Chair, the Director of Finance, the Director of Communications, the Campus Activities Board President, and the Residence Hall Association President. The Executive Board essentially assists in the preparation and execution of the Student Union’s policies and activities. The officers are elected annually in the spring semester prior to their year of service.

The Judicial Court is made up of the Chairman of the Judiciary along with two members chosen by the Student Senate and four members appointed by the Student Union President. This branch of the Student Union runs and oversees campus elections and removal and recall procedures. The Judicial Court also interprets and upholds the constitution and its by-laws.

The Student Union functions as the voice of the student body, participates in the administration of the College through representation on college committees, and promotes social, cultural, and intellectual activities both on and off campus.

Honor Societies

Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national scholastic honor society for students and graduates of Catholic colleges and universities, was founded in Washington, D.C., April 13, 1939, and organized in Kansas City, Mo., March 29, 1940, under the leadership of the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald, then academic dean at Loras College. The ALPHA chapter was granted to Loras College. Juniors and seniors are eligible for membership. Election to membership is based on character, academic accomplishment, degree of involvement in intellectual activities, and promise of future leadership within the candidate’s chosen field.

The Guild of Saint Genesius, an honorary dramatic society that carries on a tradition started in 1971. Membership is open to Loras Players who demonstrate dedication, achievement, and contribution to the Loras College theatre.

Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, was founded in 1920. Today there are over 650 chapters aimed at exposing members and the public to the study of government and issues of public concern. Loras is home to the Alpha Upsilon Chapter (founded in 2003). Membership is open to juniors and seniors with significant credit hours and academic achievement in politics courses.

Psi Chi, the only psychological honor society, was established in 1929. Loras College joined this organization in 1994 as the 830th chapter. Students who are majoring in psychology and rank in the upper 35th percent of their class are among those eligible for membership.

Sigma Tau Delta, International English Society. Its purpose is to brevet distinction upon graduates, undergraduates, and scholars, in academia as well as upon professional writers, who have recognized accomplishments in linguistic or literary realms of the English language.

Nu Rho Psi, a neuroscience honor society, was established in 2006. Loras College joined this organization in 2018 as the Gamma Chapter of Iowa. Second semester sophomores and above who major or minor in neuroscience, have a 3.500 GPA in at least 9 credits of neuroscience coursework, and a 3.200 cumulative GPA are eligible for membership.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Loras College intercollegiate athletic program is a participating member of the American Rivers Conference and the NCAA Division III. Members of the Iowa Conference include Buena Vista, Central, Coe, University of Dubuque, Loras, Luther, Simpson, Nebraska Wesleyan and Wartburg. The Iowa Conference sponsors 19 conference championships for men and women. Loras College sponsors 24 intercollegiate sports for men and women.

Loras College places the highest priority on the overall quality of the educational experience for the student-athlete. In so doing, Loras seeks to strengthen the integration of objectives in programs in athletics with academic objectives and to assure the integration of athletes with other students. Transfers from four-year institutions and junior college transfers are eligible to compete once they have fulfilled the transfer requirements, as stipulated by the NCAA and Loras College.


Loras College is dedicated to the total development of the student. The intramural department strives to develop the student through a variety of recreational activities where participation is more important than winning. The level of playing ability is unimportant compared to the exercise and social benefits. Intramurals complements the student’s development in Christian character, leadership and service.

Musical Organizations

The Loras College Concert Choir, a mixed voice ensemble, rehearses twice per week and is offered for one hour of college credit. While membership is open to all students regardless of their major area of study, an audition is required for admission into the ensemble. The Concert Choir’s repertoire is a diverse blend of sacred and secular music, ranging from the 15th to the 20th century. An active schedule of on and off campus performances and tours are maintained.

The Loras College Chamber Singers is a highly selected mixed group is singers which rehearses twice per week and is offered for one credit hour. The ensemble of 16-20 singers performs vocal chamber music representative of history of choral music. An active schedule of on and off campus performances and tours are maintained.

The Loras College Wind Ensemble, open to all students, is the major instrumental group at Loras. It specializes in only the finest repertoire, from all style periods. The Wind and Jazz Ensembles present several formal and informal yearly concerts, as well as an annual spring tour. From the members of the Wind Ensemble are formed various groups which comprise the Loras College Chamber Winds, ensembles which explore more intimate components of the wind repertoire.


The Limestone Review is the annual publication of Loras students’ literary and scholarly writing. Students may serve on the selection committee. Best work in each genre is submitted to the Delta Epsilon Sigma national writing competition.

The Loras English program publishes a national undergraduate literary magazine, Catfish Creek. Loras students serve as editors, sending out a national call for submissions, selecting and editing submissions, and preparing the magazine for publication.

The Lorian, the campus newspaper, is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters. The Lorian is published by a student editorial staff under professional supervision. The goal of The Lorian is to report news and information about the Loras College community and developments related to the College.


LCTV - Loras College Television is the campus television station available on channel 13. Our motto is For Students, By Students. Every week we produce news, sports, live game coverage, talk shows, and a variety of creative entertainment shows that reach both campus and the greater Dubuque area. If you have an interest in television production, filmmaking, or creative enterprise, LCTV is the right place for you. LCTV is open to all students regardless of major or year in school. Students interested in joining should email craig.schaefer@loras.edu.

KLCR is Loras College’s student-operated radio station. KLCR is open to all students regardless of major or year in school. Both KLCR and LCTV are located in Hoffmann Hall.

Barnes and Noble Bookstore

Textbooks, supplies, apparel, emblematic gifts, movies, trade books, Nook products, and backpacks may be purchased in the bookstore. Textbooks and supplies may be charged to student account by presenting Loras student ID card. American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and VISA are also accepted.

Students have many textbook options: new, used, rental, or digital. Students can reserve their textbooks by going to loras.bncollege.com and choosing the textbook tab. Next, they would insert their schedule and choose the textbook option that best fits their need.

The bookstore is located on the second level of the Miller Academic Resource Center.